Multiverse: Myth or Reality?
St Petersburg University Representative Office in Spain announces "Multiverse: Myth or Reality?" lecture delivered by Anton Sheykin, a theoretical physicist and Senior Lecturer at SPbU.
The lecture is devoted to one of the most fascinating and mysterious concepts of modern science — the Multiverse. During the event, we will delve into various theories, experiments, and hypotheses that could transform our understanding of the World and the Universe. It will cover both scientific and philosophical aspects, as well as explore the concept of the multiverse in culture and pop culture.
The concept of the Multiverse has become ingrained in our lexicon. Characters in the films and comics are travelling through numerous universes, philosophers are pondering the multiplicity of possible realities, and physicists are trying to describe processes occurring beyond our Universe.
Where did this concept originate? What role does it play in quantum mechanics, cosmology, and other sciences? Is it possible in any way to detect the existence of other universes? You will find answers to these and many other questions during our lecture.
Anton Sheykin is a Senior Lecturer of the Department of High Energy and Elementary Particles Physics at St Petersburg University. As the winner of 2021 Znanie (Knowledge in Russian) Society Award in the category of "Teacher — Enlightener of the Year", the physicist not only teaches, but also contributes to popularisation of science. His academic interests are primarily focused on gravity and geometric methods in physics.
The meeting will be held online in Russian with simultaneous translation into Spanish.