Natalia Akimova's lecture 'The phenomenon of Thaddeus Bulgarin: new editions'
25 March 2022
Time: 6 pm
St Petersburg, 47 Bolshaya Morskaya street
On 25 March 2022 a meeting will be held with philologist Natalia Akimova on ’The phenomenon of Thaddeus Bulgarin: new editions’. The range of issues to be discussed are: Bulgarin’s personality and work; his role in the development of the literary process; the issue of adequate evaluation of his reputation; new editions of his books; and studies of Bulgarin today. Natalia Akimova will present the two-volume edition of Bulgarin’s Memoirs published by ‘NLO’ publishing house in 2021 which includes an extensive commentary section. The moderator will be Alla Stepanova.