St Petersburg as seen by V. Nabokov
St Petersburg University Nabokov Museum opens an exhibition "St Petersburg as seen by V. Nabokov."
Nabokov: Translator and Commentator of Lermontov
SPbU Nabokov Museum opens an exhibition "Nabokov: Translator and Commentator of Lermontov."
SPbU Applicant Day
On the anniversary of the University’s foundation, SPbU will host a major event for school students, students and their parents — the Applicants’ Day.
SPbU artists — 20th and 21st Centuries
The illustrated catalogue "St Petersburg University artists — 20th and 21st Centuries" accompanies an exhibition marking the University’s 300th anniversary, organised by the Diaghilev Museum of Modern Art.
Mendeleev museum and archives tour
The SPbU Mendeleev museum and archives offers weekly guided tours.
Petrography museum tours
Palaeontological museum tours
Museum of the History of Physics and Mathematics
SPbU hosts weekly guided tours of the museum of the History of Physics and Mathematics.
Mineralogical museum tours
SPbU hosts weekly guided tours of the Mineralogical Museum.