Turkish Speaking Club
St Petersburg University will host a series of meetings of the Turkish Language Speaking Club for the St Petersburg University students.
The aim of the club is to introduce the culture of modern Türkiye, since the issues relating to customs, rules of conduct in Turkish society, little-known cultural sites, geographical features, and Turkish mentality remain outside the study of the language. The format of the classes is a performance, a game, or a presentation in Turkish by moderators with participation of native speakers.
The event is supported by the Consulate General of the Republic of Türkiye in St Petersburg and the Rönesans Construction Company.
The meetings will bring together guests from Türkiye, who are students or staff at St Petersburg. There will also be joint tea parties.
The topics for upcoming events:
- Musical "battle". A game where participants will be able to perform songs in Turkish
- Turkish public holidays. Poems about the Republic of Türkiye and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. A Turkish film about the Turkish War of Independence with further discussion
- ‘We drank tea, spoke Turkish...’ Turkish table traditions; tea parties; and coffee brewing rules to name just a few
- "Halloween" in Turkish. Scary urban myths and legends
- Let’s laugh in Turkish. Specifics of Turkish humour; a competition for the best joke
- New Year’s brain-ring. Questions on the culture, history, and geography of Türkiye
Club meetings will be held every two weeks on Saturdays.
To register for the meeting, you need to write to Apollinariia Avrutina, Director of the Centre for Contemporary Turkish Studies and Russia-Türkiye Relations at St Petersburg University, by e-mail: a.avrutina@spbu.ru .