Vladimir Timofeev. On the 140th anniversary of the scientist
Online exhibition "Vladimir Timofeev. On the 140th anniversary of the scientist".
The exhibition is dedicated to Vladimir Timofeev (1884-1935), the largest explorer of the subsoil of the Karelia-Kola region, a graduate and Professor of St Petersburg University. Vladimir Timofeev is among the most renowned geologists of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Many remarkable pages in the history of studying the Precambrian of the Baltic Shield are associated with the name of Vladimir Timofeev. What makes what he was doing in science even more remarkable is that everything was done for the first time. For the first time for the Precambrian, he identified and described ancient lava flows, spherical lavas, and migratory forms of shungite. The first geological map was compiled; the first generalisation was made on the petrography of Karelia; the first summaries were made on a number of types of stone building materials, and so on. During his relatively short scientific and teaching career, Vladimir Timofeev prepared brilliant students and left a significant scientific legacy. His scientific views and practical recommendations have stood the test of time.