Nabokov: Translator and Commentator of Lermontov

SPbU Nabokov Museum opens an exhibition "Nabokov: Translator and Commentator of Lermontov."
The exhibition "Nabokov: Translator and Commentator of Lermontov" introduces us to the Nabokov's literary and translation work. The exhibition will bring together the worlds of two classics of Russian literature.
The theme of the exhibition is Nabokov's English translations of M. Lermontov's poems and his novel A Hero of Our Time. The exhibition is divided into two spaces: poetic and prose. At the exhibition you will learn more about the research activities and interpretation of the original works and their translations work by V. Nabokov.
Visitors of the exhibition will see the first editions of Nabokov's translations, his literary works, and learn about the key principles of translation that V. Nabokov followed. You will be able to conduct your own comparative analysis of the texts, read scholarly commentaries on Nabokov's literary research, and view illustrations, paintings, and drawings that accompanied Lermontov's texts.