News and Events
The works by Vladimir Nabokov in the context of the philosophy of symbolism
Open lecture "The works by Vladimir Nabokov in the context of the philosophy of symbolism".
Defence of Borges
Round table "Defence of Borges" (Presentation of the complete collection of poems by Jorge Luis Borges).
Exhibition of students at the Ioganson Academic Art Lyceum of the Russian Academy of Arts on International Children’s Day
History of palaeontology at St Petersburg University
Online exhibition "History of palaeontology at St Petersburg University. Part 2 (from the mid −20th century to the early 21st century)".
The role of contextuality in contemporary designer jewellery in the male/female context
Round table "The role of contextuality in contemporary designer jewellery in the male/female context".
Anna Mendeleeva: wife, mother and artist
Online exhibition "Anna Mendeleeva: wife, mother and artist".
"Orpheu" is the journal-manifesto of the First Portuguese Modernism
‘"Orpheu" is the journal-manifesto of the First Portuguese Modernism’. Lecture by Mariia Mazniak.
The Brendel Botanical Models — Nature and Art — Part 10
Online exhibition "The Brendel Botanical Models — Nature and Art — Part 10".
‘Such a mixture of clothes and faces, tribes, dialects, states!’ Portrait graphics by Gennadii Sotnikov
Exhibition ‘"Such a mixture of clothes and faces, tribes, dialects, states!" Portrait graphics by Gennadii Sotnikov’.