St Petersburg University signs cooperation agreements with universities in West Africa
The Language Testing Centre at St Petersburg University has held a series of face-to-face meetings and events in the Republic of the Niger and Burkina Faso to sign agreements with two universities and outline prospects for further cooperation with other universities of the Alliance of Sahel States.

The main goals of the trip were to establish new and strengthen existing ties between Russian and African educational institutions, discuss current issues in the fields of education, science and culture, and find joint solutions to improve educational systems and stimulate entrepreneurial activity in the region.
The number of African countries whose residents study Russian with St Petersburg University in distance and hybrid formats had increased to 12 by 2025, and the number of people who have applied for training has increased more than a hundredfold since 2021.
According to Andrei Lesin, Director of the Language Testing Centre at St Petersburg University, the visit was a logical and necessary continuation of the active development of academic cooperation between Russia and African countries, which St Petersburg University has been actively supporting since 2021. He emphasised that St Petersburg University’s activities in expanding relations with countries whose residents are interested in studying the language and culture of Russia in order to build an educational and professional career in Russian are one of the priority areas of work for various departments of the University.
"The Russian language, which has become the key to knowledge and mutual understanding, continues to unite people, creating the basis for long-term partnership. Africa and Russia, despite the distances, are becoming closer. The University continues and will continue to actively develop international relations, opening up new opportunities for students and teachers around the world," said Andrei Lesin.
In 2024, St Petersburg University trained more than 2,000 residents of nine African countries as part of the work of open education centres, which operated with the support of the Russian Ministry of Education and the Foundation for the Support of Humanities "My History".
In Niger, representatives of St Petersburg University visited the private school Petits Pas, where they discussed the possibility of opening specialised classes with the participation of teachers from Russian universities. The Language Testing Centre at St Petersburg University took part in the International Forum SOAFEC, which included a meeting of rectors of Nigerian and Russian universities. The meeting discussed the implementation of joint academic programmes, scientific research and internships. Particular attention was paid to cooperation with the Niger National Oil Company (SONIDEP), interested in training specialists in the field of oil production.

In Burkina Faso, St Petersburg University held talks with Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation, Professor Adjima Thiombiano, Prime‑Minister of the country Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, and heads of private educational institutions. At the Russian House in Ouagadougou, issues were raised regarding the opening of academic programmes for personnel for the development of Burkina Faso — Russia relations and the possibility of studying at the University for applicants from Burkina Faso.
Following the trip, agreements were signed with the Université Dan Dicko Dankoulodo de Maradi and the Université d’Agadez in Niger. Prospects for cooperation with Abdou Moumouni University, the University of Tillabéri and the University of Zinder in Niger and the University Joseph Ki-Zerbo, L’Université Daniel-Ouezzin Coulibaly and Yembila Abdoulaye Toguyeni University in Burkina Faso were also discussed. The agreements open up new opportunities for students and teachers in both countries, facilitating the exchange of knowledge and experience.
As part of the trip, the University held educational events, including lectures, a quiz on the culture and history of Russia, and a ceremonial presentation of TRKI certificates to students who successfully passed the state testing in Russian as a foreign language.