St Petersburg University at the St Petersburg International Health Forum
The 12th St Petersburg International Health Forum is now open in the Northern Capital of Russia. It is a key event in the healthcare sector, representing a professional platform to discuss cutting-edge discoveries and technologies in the field of medicine and healthcare. This year, the forum is associated with two significant anniversaries: the 300th anniversary of St Petersburg University and the 30th anniversary of medical education at St Petersburg University.
Mikhail Murashko, Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, addressed the guests of the forum with a video greeting. The priority of the state policy of the Russian Federation is to preserve the population and strengthen the health of citizens, he said. In 2023, the joint efforts of the entire community in this direction enabled us to achieve the highest life expectancy in the history of our country. President of Russia Vladimir Putin, in his address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, set new tasks for the healthcare system. The main goal of the healthcare system is to achieve a life expectancy of at least 78 years across the country by 2030.
This year, more than 7,000 people are taking part in the St Petersburg International Health Forum. More than 70 events are planned.
"There is emphasis placed on the measures to increase healthy life expectancy, reduce mortality, increase the birth rate, support families, protect motherhood, preserve the health of children and adolescents, preserve reproductive health, and develop primary healthcare," said Mikhail Murashko, Minister of Health of the Russian Federation in the video address.
Alexander Beglov, Governor of St Petersburg, Member of the Board of Trustees of St Petersburg University, spoke about the achievements of St Petersburg in the sphere of healthcare in his report.
St Petersburg is happy to welcome the leaders of the national healthcare system again. Healthcare development is one of the priorities for St Petersburg. Every year, we build and upgrade key facilities of the medical system: clinics, hospitals, and ambulance stations. We introduce advanced equipment, treatment and diagnostic methods. We digitalise the industry and prepare high-calibre medical personnel.
Alexander Beglov, Governor of St Petersburg, Member of the Board of Trustees of St Petersburg University
"St Petersburg is also a key centre of the pharmaceutical industry. The Health Forum is an important event for the medical community of St Petersburg and the Northwestern Federal District. I am confident that the negotiations and meetings that will be held at the forum will give a new impetus to the development of healthcare in our city and country," said Governor Alexander Beglov.
Elena Chernova, Acting Rector of St Petersburg University at the Forum and Academic Secretary of the University, addressed the audience with a welcoming speech.
"The St Petersburg International Health Forum has long been a space that brings together leading specialists in the field of medicine today. For three centuries, the history of the University has been inextricably linked with the history of our country, St Petersburg and outstanding scientific achievements. The University has been home to world-renowned scientists, including the great doctors Ivan Pavlov and Ilya Mechnikov. The University has rich teaching traditions to prepare a new generation of doctors who are well equipped with deep knowledge in the field of natural, humanitarian and clinical disciplines," said Elena Chernova.
The University is home to outstanding doctors, including Iurii Natochin, Raul Gainetdinov, Yuri Shcherbuk, Tatiana Trofimova, Piotr Yablonsky, Ivan Gaivoronskii, and the University is grateful to all the educators who are preparing a new generation of doctors, said Elena Chernova.
"Today, we are faced with serious challenges that require new solutions. The life of each of us depends on how the work of the modern healthcare system is organised, on how the achievements of scientists are introduced in our life, and how medical workers are prepared. I am sure that by combining the efforts and experience of our specialists, we will be able to achieve the expected results," said Elena Chernova, Acting Rector of St Petersburg University at the Forum and Academic Secretary of the University.
The decision to open the Faculty of Medicine at St Petersburg University was made in 1994 at the meeting of the Academic Council. In 2023, the Institute of Medicine was opened at St Petersburg University, which united the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Medical Technologies, the Medical College, and the Centre of Medical Accreditation.
During several days of the forum, experts will discuss current issues in the field of healthcare and new technologies in several thematic areas, including "Healthy society: focus on innovation"; "Artificial Intelligence and digital transformation in the industry"; "Medicine and quality"; "Military medicine"; "Medical and health tourism"; and "Medical rehabilitation. Prospects for rehabilitation in the modern world".

As part of the scientific events, experts from St Petersburg University, which is the organiser of the largest health forum, will traditionally take part in conferences, panel sessions and round tables to discuss the current issues in technology transfer in healthcare, the specifics of pharmacotherapy, and issues relating to increasing the birth rate and strengthening the institution of the family.
Raul Gainetdinov, Director of the Institute of Translational Biomedicine at St Petersburg University, Academic Supervisor Director of the Clinic of High Medical Technologies at St Petersburg University, winner of the Vyzov Prize, and Tatiana Chernigovskaya, Director of the Institute for Cognitive Studies at St Petersburg University, will speak at the plenary session "Medicine of St Petersburg: from science to practice", i.e. one of the central events of the St Petersburg International Health Forum 2024. The plenary session will be moderated by Andrey Sarana, Director of the Medical Institute at St Petersburg University and First Deputy Chairperson of the Health Committee of St Petersburg. During the plenary session, experts will discuss the achievements and prospects of international and interregional cooperation in the field of healthcare and key problems of medicine and possible ways to solve them in the context of achieving national goals in this area.
The expert session "Time of science in medicine" will bring together Yuri Natochin, Professor in the Department of Physiology at St Petersburg University, Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Sergei Belov, Dean of the Faculty of Law at St Petersburg University and Head of the Department of Constitutional Law; and professors of the Pirogov Clinic at St Petersburg University. They will discuss current trends and projects aimed at introducing translational medicine into everyday practice. The session will consider the main problems and challenges associated with the treatment of anaplastic cancer and issues in accessibility of the latest technologies and treatment methods in this area.
The 12th St Petersburg International Health Forum is held under the auspices of the 300th anniversary of St Petersburg University and the 30th anniversary of medical education at St Petersburg University. St Petersburg University, the oldest university in Russia, was founded on 28 January (8 February) 1724. This is the day when Peter the Great issued a decree establishing the University and the Russian Academy of Sciences. Today, St Petersburg University is an internationally recognised centre for education, research and culture.
The decision to open the Faculty of Medicine at St Petersburg University was made in 1994 at the meeting of the Academic Council. Last year, the Institute of Medicine was opened at St Petersburg University, which united the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Medical Technologies, the Medical College and the Centre of Medical Accreditation. Over 30 years, more than 5,000 doctors of various profiles have received medical education at St Petersburg University. They work in the largest medical centres, research institutes, and laboratories around the world. Today, the Institute of Medicine at St Petersburg University includes more than 500 educators, including 233 candidates of sciences and 152 doctors of science. The University includes the Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies at St Petersburg University, which, according to data for 2023, conducted 177,692 consultations, performed 120,110 diagnostic studies and more than 30,000 operations.
The tasks of demographic policy and healthcare related to improving women’s health of the population of the Russian Federation will be discussed during the panel session "Demography and reproductive health". The conference session, which will be moderated by Lidiia Soprun, Associate Professor in the Department of Health Organisation and Medical Law at St Petersburg University, will bring together leading experts to discuss effective models of implementing the research results in practice. The discussion will focus on the specifics of prescribing drugs in modern conditions and a number of other current issues related to healthcare.
The St Petersburg International Health Forum will feature other scientific and educational events, which will include specialists from St Petersburg University.
During the forum, leading specialists from the Pirogov Clinic of High Medical Technologies will demonstrate new medical equipment at the St Petersburg University stand. In the consultation area at the festival "The art of health", doctors from the St Petersburg University Clinic will conduct free diagnostics and mini consultations for everyone: express screening of ENT organs, thyroid ultrasound, olfactory testing, and examination of skin neoplasms with dermatoscopy. You can measure weight, get a calculation of the body mass index, recommendations for weight correction and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
The 12th St Petersburg International Health Forum is taking place at the EXPOFORUM Convention and Exhibition Centre and will run until 27 September.