St Petersburg University and Freie Universität Berlin Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme
In the framework of their strategic partnership, St Petersburg University and Freie Universität Berlin have established a Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship Programme. Annually, two Joint Postdoctoral Fellowships are offered for highly qualified, early career post-doctoral researchers.
Each fellowship is awarded for 24 months. Fellowships will be awarded starting on October 1, 2021, consisting of two phases:
- Phase 1: 12 months of research at Freie Universität Berlin
- Phase 2: 12 months of research at St Petersburg University
(or vice versa; fellows are entitled to design their research projects in either way)
The call is open to all disciplines, thematic or subject areas that exist at both universities or are complementary. The applicants must identify and secure the endorsement of two tenured faculty members, one at each university, who will serve as host supervisors. The Postdoctoral Fellows will conduct their research projects under the joint supervision of Freie Universität Berlin and St Petersburg University experienced researchers.
For the 12-month stay at FUB:
A monthly stipend of 1,853 Euro and a one-time relocation allowance of 1,000 Euro in case the Postdoc has to move to Berlin for the Postdoc position. The fellows will further have access to the Courses and Workshops of the Dahlem Research School at FUB.
For the 12-month stay at SPbU:
A monthly stipend of 60,000 roubles and a one-time relocation allowance of 60,000 roubles, in case the Postdoc has to move to Saint Petersburg for the Postdoc position. Postdoctoral Fellows may pay to live in the SPbU guesthouse if available or choose to receive additional 20,000 roubles per month and find accommodation themselves. The Postdoctoral Fellows will further be eligible to apply for travel funding and have access to the Resource Centers of SPbU. The scientific supervisors at SPbU have the right to offer their Postdoctoral Fellows additional funding from their grants.
Eligibility and Evaluation Criteria:
The Fellowship is open to highly qualified researchers of all nationalities who received their Ph.D. no more than three years prior to the deadline of this call (by 31.01.2018). Candidates who acquired their Ph.D. prior to that date may also apply if there was an eligible lapse in their research activity (e.g. family responsibilities). The program is open to both internal and external candidates. Applicants holding a tenure or tenure-track faculty position are not eligible.
Selection criteria are based on the academic excellence of the applicant, the quality of the proposed research project, the compelling demonstration of the anticipated synergy of a joint Postdoc and the commitment of the respective supervisors at both universities. The research proposal should refer to the expected benefit arising from the combination of FUB and SPbU serving as research environments during the fellowship.
Furthermore, successful candidates are expected to envisage publications in peer-reviewed journals (Q1/Q2) and data bases (Scopus/WoS etc.) during the fellowship, indicating their affiliation at FUB and SPbU.
Application Deadline: January 31, 2021 (Applications submitted after this date will not be considered).
Applications have to be prepared in English and must include:
- Research proposal and time plan (max. 10 pages in total including all references/figures/tables), including information on expected number of publications with co-affiliation with SPbU und FUB in international peer-reviewed journals.
- Concise Curriculum Vitae with a list of principal publications (max. 4 pages in total).
- A clear plan how the candidate wants to structure the 24-month fellowship and where he/she wants to start (St Petersburg or Berlin).
- Two recommendation letters (including one from the applicant’s doctoral supervisor) — can be sent directly to the below coordinators if the referees prefer.
- Two explicit endorsement letters by the potential host supervisors at Freie Universität Berlin and St Petersburg University, including detailed reference to the added value for the research project, the benefits stemming from their joint supervision, and a clear statement of commitment regarding the physical and intellectual research environment that the supervisors will provide to the fellow. Hosting supervisors are asked to provide the postdoctoral fellow with a working space.
Incomplete submissions will not be considered.
Applicants can consult SPbU’s website and FUB’s departmental websites to research potential hosts.
Freie Universität Berlin and St Petersburg University will inform the candidates on the selection committee’s decision within three months of the application deadline.
Candidates are asked to submit their applications to both FUB and SPbU. For registration and application at FUB please use the application form at Dahlem Research School. For SPbU, applicants must apply through the SPbU PURE system. Please follow the according instructions on how to register and apply. Please use only the two above mentioned application systems, documents, recommendations and endorsement letters being mailed via e-mail to the universities will not be considered.
For further information, please contact:
Hans-Martin Meis, Center for International Cooperation, Freie Universität Berlin, Phone: +49 30 838 739 42, hans-martin.meis@fu-berlin.de
Yuliya Rogozhina, International Research and Technology Department, St Petersburg University, Phone: 8 (812) 324-08-88, y.rogozhina@spbu.ru