News and Events
Lobe-finned fish and the emergence of vertebrates on land
Online exhibition "Lobe-finned fish and the emergence of vertebrates on land" on the Kamis online platform.
Workshop "Quercus" by an informal association of graphic artists, art historians and curators Print-Commune.
Aleksandr Inostrantsev, on the occasion of his 180th anniversary
Online exhibition "Aleksandr Inostrantsev, on the occasion of his 180th anniversary".
Tamara Gardens
Workshop "Tamara Gardens" by an informal association of graphic artists, art historians and curators Print-Commune.
From old accessions. Documents and photographs of Dmitri Mendeleev
Online exhibition "From old accessions. Documents and photographs of Dmitri Mendeleev".
"Invitation" by an informal association of graphic artists, art historians and curators Print-Commune
Exhibition "Invitation" by an informal association of graphic artists, art historians and curators Print-Commune.
Mechanical engineer Franz Reuleaux and Reuleaux mechanisms collection
Online exhibition "Mechanical engineer Franz Reuleaux and Reuleaux mechanisms collection".
Personal exhibition "Levkas" by the Italian artist Elio Cassara.
Chitin incunabula
Exhibition "Chitin incunabula" by Stas Kazimov.