St Petersburg University master’s programme in Sociology: training specialists with unique competences
St Petersburg University master’s programme ‘Sociology in Russia and China’ has no rivals in Russian higher education institutions. It trains specialists capable of conducting comparative sociological research on the development processes of two societies: Russian and Chinese.
The programme is taught in Russian and English by teachers from Russia and China. Students also have an opportunity to improve their proficiency in Russian and Chinese. The programme is based on a project of comparative sociological research jointly carried out by experts of St Petersburg University and Chinese universities. The results of this work are presented in the programme course of lectures and include: analysis of market reform processes; changes in social, economic and political communications; development of business and civil society; the impact of socio-cultural transformations on the economy; urbanisation; migration; and other processes in two countries.
The programme is unique due to its own research base: the Russian—Chinese Centre for Comparative Social, Economic and Political Studies in Sociology. Here students work with experts in all areas of sociology, and participate in research and international events.
Students are involved in: studying the problems and prospects for the development of Russian and Chinese societies; and developing professional, analytical, managerial and consulting skills for implementing research and business projects. The programme is implemented in cooperation with universities, educational institutions and research centres, government agencies and business structures. International internships are undertaken within academic exchange programmes with: Harbin Institute of Technology; Shanghai Jiao Tong University; and Tsinghua University to name just a few. This enables students to continue their studies at leading universities in Russia and China.
International training standards, popular courses and integrated studies of social development make it possible for master’s students to acquire universal skills and relevant knowledge. They receive a variety of career opportunities in the academic environment, government agencies and local authorities, the largest Russian and Chinese companies working as: teachers; sociologists; marketers; PR specialists; social analysts; researchers; and experts.
The field of study: ‘Sociology’. St Petersburg University master’s programme: ‘Sociology in Russia and China’.
The key information on accepting international citizens is available here.
International applicants have the following advantages for admission and further training at St Petersburg University: St Petersburg University recognises applicants’ national academic credentials confirming their previous studies. Documents can be submitted remotely (through the ‘Personal Account’) on the University website. Also, international applicants have the opportunity to apply for government-funded places. Moreover, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation allocate quotas. The University provides accommodation at its halls of residence and visa support (if it is necessary, the University submits an application for a visa invitation). St Petersburg University programmes are highly ranked by the world’s leading experts and ranking agencies in the field of education.